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  • Attend and actively participate in classes on a regular basis. You'll develop a solid foundation and make it easier to establish a good habit for your body and mind!


  • Patience and perseverance are an integral part of your martial arts training. Don't try to learn too much at once...


  • Be consistent in your practice;


  • Avoid eating in the hour before class;


  • Understand the Code of Ethics (below). It is an important aspect of Chinese martial arts culture;


  • You are the school. Your behaviour, your support and your participation in school activities determine the health and growth of the school;


  • Wearing your uniform in class signals that you are ready for your class. It also indicates that, if any, your daily worries and hassles are absent from your thoughts;


  • Set reasonable short-term goals. As you progress mentally and physically, set higher and higher goals.


This code of ethics will facilitate your understanding of the principles intrinsic to au Kung Fu, and will make you a stronger practitioner. This strength should also bring you wisdom. There is no order to these rules. Take an objective and non-judgmental look at yourself, you will see  then your strengths and your weaknesses; it is your responsibility  to establish your priorities in order to ensure your progress.


  1. Always honoring your family, a lifelong responsibility, with no expectation of return;

2Honor your teachers. Be grateful to those who share the gift of their art;

3Treat your training partners like a brother, like a sister. By giving and helping them to be better, you will strengthen yourself;

4Advanced students, be humble. By treating beginners as your equals, you will gain the respect and status of an advanced student;

5Beginning students, be respectful to advanced students. By treating you as their equals, they reveal that they are beginning to understand or grasp a deeper aspect of Kung Fu and are worthy of respect as advanced students. Their humility must be respected;

6Never consider yourself an expert, no matter how long you've been practicing;

7Recognize that everyone has strengths greater than yours, regardless of their martial experience. Try to support them in their weaknesses, and your own weaknesses will eventually lose their vigor;

8Advanced students have the responsibility to apply the code of ethics, both inside and outside the Studio, thus demonstrating the strength of their art, while making you good practitioners, good teachers;

9Trust your teacher's judgment. You may repeatedly disagree with policies or actions, but it is your responsibility to observe them and strive to understand them better, as beginners do to you;

10Remember that teachers are human. They can make mistakes or experience personal problems, just like everyone else. Be aware that no one will be a perfect example. This kindness and understanding will make you strong in your humanity, allowing you also to appreciate their gains in their personal Kung Fu progression;

11Be an example of courtesy, regardless of your Kung Fu experience. At Studio  and outside of it, courtesy is a sign of strength. By being courteous, you will get courtesy and respect;

12. Accept criticism and suggestions, no matter who they come from. Others may perceive or notice something which, if you maintain an attitude of openness, will serve you well. Remember that we are all equal, and to think that we know a lot means that we know very little;

13. Never openly criticize your teacher. If you have any doubts, prefer a private conversation, if this is not possible, be sure to remain respectueux in your intervention;

14. Don't take criticism as a personal attack. Criticism is simply a suggestion or sharing from an outside eye in order to refine your practice, your art. This is the first reason that should  encourage you to take a course!

15. Pride. Do your best, even when it's not what you expected or hoped for;

16. Combat practice is a job of containing your ego. Approaching fights with a smile will make you better at them. Repressing your ego is essential in order to have the required and appropriate energy as well as to be fully in every moment of the action;

17. Using excessive force in any pair exercise shows that you have little control over your ego. Using kindness and gratitude in a technique or exercise is a sign of strength. Intimidating others is a much lower rung;

18. Tenacity. It is your responsibility to give your best in all classes. Do not allow yourself to simply follow or remain inert. Practice, regardless of your skill or understanding of a technique. It is also your responsibility not to complain about your fatigue or inability to exercise. Your negativity can affect others, be aware of the impact of your attitude;

19. Cleanliness. Refined cleanliness testifies to a refined spirit. Clean clothes and a clean body demonstrate by example the honor and ethics that reside in you;

20. Never ask for knowledge. Let the teachers decide when you're ready. Asking is a sign that you are done with what has been given to you. Remember that all knowledge is constantly perfected over a lifetime. Working hard on what you have is the first sign that you are ready for more and that you deserve it;

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